NLP/VAK Technology

NLP plays a vital role in learning. While every student belongs to visual, auditory or kinesthetic type (VAK) of learning, the teacher also belongs to one of them. This defines why a student is better or worse than the other even though the rest of the environmental conditions remain the same. Our teachers are constantly trained to identify and then to handle the students individually so that everyone gets the same learning opportunities and excels.
‘Education is to Learn and Examination is to Score’ is our motto. In many schools, unfortunately the current learning of memorization focuses mainly on the verbal that contributes only 7% to learning. In our school, the vocal and visual learning techniques are also followed to make the students 100% in both learning and scoring. Our teachers are well equipped with the 3V (Verbal, Vocal and Visual) technology.

NLP Technology

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to the neurology; Linguistic refers to the language; Programming refers to how that neural language functions. Learning NLP is like learning the language of our own mind! In our school, we use NLP for effective teaching and learning.

VAK Technology

According to the global statistics, a typical school classroom has 30% visual (V), 25% auditory (A) and 15% kinesthetic (K) learners, with the remaining 30% consisting of mixed learning styles. Remember that the teacher also belongs to one of the three types making it harder to teach and learn. In our school, the teachers are trained to identify the type each student belongs to and then the teaching is based on the composition.